Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Benedikt Bollig

was on the program committee of YR-CONCUR 2013. He also was a member of the commission scientifique Inria Saclay.

Thomas Chatain

was on the program committee ACSD 2013 and of FORMATS 2013. He also participated in the organization of the latter.

Paul Gastin

is co-head (with Madhavan Mukund) of the new International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INFORMEL (INdo-French FORmal Methods Lab). This LIA was created in January 2012 by an agreement between CNRS, ENS Cachan, University Bordeaux 1 on the french side and the Chennai Mathematical Institute, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Chennai, and the Indian Institute of Science of Bangalore on the Indian side.

He is the head of the computer science department of ENS Cachan.

Paul Gastin is an associate editor of the Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics.

He is on the Advisory Board of the EATCS-Springer book series

  • Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science,

  • Texts in Theoretical Computer Science.

Stefan Haar

is an associated editor for the journal Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Application, and was on the program committee of PNSE 2013. At the Inria Center Saclay, Stefan was the correspondent for international relations until September 2013 (his successor is Benjamin Smith), and has since become the correspondent for European Partnerships; he continues as a member of the GTRI (working group on international relations) of Inria's COST. In 2013 he also joined the DIGITEO program committee.

Serge Haddad

has been a member of the steering committee of the international conference Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ATPN) since 2001. In 2013, he was a member of the following program committees of international conferences:

  • 7th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication systems, Florence, Italy;

  • 21st International Conference on Real Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2013), Sophia-Antipolis, France;

  • PC Co-Chaire of SMC, associated workshop at Run-Time Verification 2013, Rennes, France;

  • 33rd International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ATPN), Milan, Italy;

  • Petri Nets in Software Engineering (PNSE), associated Workshop at ATPN 2013.

Serge Haddad served on the program committees of the following national conferences:

  • 9ème Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR) 2013, Rennes

  • Ecole d'été Temps Réel (ETR) 2013, Toulouse.

Claudine Picaronny

is a member of the Program committee of the SIMUL conference. She is a Maître de Conférence at ENS Cachan, and in charge of the Master M2 FESUP and the préparation à l'agrégation en mathématiques at ENSC. Moreover, Claudine Picaronny is a member of the jury for the second ENSC entrance examination in mathematics, coordinator of the entrance examinations MP and PC of the groupe E3A, and of the jury of the national olympics in mathematics and computer science.

Stefan Schwoon

was on the program committee of SPIN 2013.